samedi, mars 7

Un petit choc

Une chose qui me choque, a Perth, c'est d' "entendre parler francais dans les rues". Je constate que meme si il y avait des francais a Pemberton, on ne se parlait finalement pas tant que ca, en francais je veux dire. Je dirai aussi qu'on savait "qui" parlait francais, et que la, ce qui surprend, c'est de l'entendre a chaque coin de rue - ou presque - de la part de gens differents.

What surprises me a lot, in Perth, is to "hear french spoken in the streets". I realize that even if there were some french people in Pemberton, we didn't talk that much in french. And i would say that we knew "who" could talk in french, whereas here, what is surprising is that i can hear it at every street's corner - almost - and from different people !

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