dimanche, juin 21

Semaine "sportive"

Le thème de la semaine a été "Sport" :
Match mercredi Australie - Japon, en foot (le vrai), qualificatif pour la coupe du monde 2010 en Afrique du Sud (mais un peu pour du beurre, vu que les deux équipes étaient déjà qualifiées avant le match), au MCG, et samedi, Australie - Italie, en rugby, à l'Etihad Stadium.
(C) C&M

The program of the week: "Sport".
Soccer game wednesday at the MCG, Australian Soccerroos vs Japan, and saturday, International Rugby at the Etihad Stadium, The Australian Wallabies vs The Italian Squadra Azzura

jeudi, juin 4

Grippe et grippe porcine...

Reçu aujourd'hui, dans ma messagerie professionnelle :

From : C.E.O
To : All the company
Subject : Flu and swine Flu

Hi Everyone

As everyone is aware the flu season is here. At present the main differences between normal flu and swine flu is the very high level of contagion and no one is immune to swine flu unlike some of the other variants – the impacts may change if the swine flu virus mutates.

As our business relies heavily on people it is in
the Company interest (and hence in yours) to limit as far as possible those of us who are sick – so –

· As indicated previously
the Company will pay out of pocket expenses associated with flu injections – please send Scott your receipts with your expense claim.

· If you have flu or flu symptoms please stay away from work. You only need to see the doctor once for a “certificate” –and you should see a doctor anyway if you have “flu” symptoms .

· Please be extra careful with personal hygiene – wash hands thoroughly and frequently with soap and dry with paper towels. Use tissues to cover coughs and sneezes. Cloth handtowels have been removed from
the Company’s toilets.

· Please be extra careful with kitchen hygiene - especially with anything that is shared – cups, glasses etc should be properly washed in hot water with detergent. Prologic has made some changes to help – chux are now to be used as tea-towels & will be replaced daily, and there is disinfectant bench cleaner in the kitchen.

· More information is available at: www.pandemic.tas.gov.au . If you get sick with a fever together with a cough, or a sore throat, or a blocked or runny nose, and you think you may have been exposed to Swine Flu then you should ring 1800 358 362.

Thank you all for your help with this.

Stay well!

Je ne me sens pas trop concerné, même si j'ai la gorge qui gratte et que j'ai un petit rhume pas bien méchant... ;-)

lundi, juin 1

Travail, suite

Après relecture et modification, j'ai fini par signé 2 contrats, me garantissant de travailler un minimum de 16h par semaine. De plus, mon travail chez des clients la semaine passée, et d'autres commandes réalisées m'ont été rémunéré ! youpi ! ça devrait m'aider à tenir au mois de juin.
Enfin, j'ai mon planning du mois de juin : je devrais travailler 17 jours, dont deux jours à Brisbane et deux jours à Sydney !
En revanche, j'ai du acheter des habits pour travailler... Aïe le portefeuille...

I finally signed two contracts - one until the 10th september, end of my first visa, and the second one until march 2010 (that means i'll have to apply for an extension...) ! So i get a job ! But the contract guarantees me to work at least 16h a week. Then, my work of may for several customers - meetings, and deliveries - has been paid !! Youhou !
And i have also my work's schedule for june : i should work 17 days, with 2 days in Sydney, and two days in Brisbane !
But i had to buy some clothes, too, and my credit card is not really happy about that...